Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Friday!

Hey everybody!  You know what day it is.. FUN FRIDAY!  YAY! Happy Friday!
News News News
Please update the calendars to include the following events...
Scheduled for FEBRUARY
Amber's Welcome Baby Shower Feb 7th - look out for the evite if you didn't get it let me know
Family Circus Sweetheart Dinner - Feb 15th Reservations $20 per couple.. Please see Hillary, Melanie, or Carol for payments.  We need reservations no later than 9th please :o)  I will be sending an evite with the details.  Thanx!
On deck for MARCH
Women's Fellowship Dinner... I am looking for a volunteer to organize a one for an evening March.  Let me know if you are interested and I will give you more info. 
Men's Fellowship Activity... TBD  I have heard rumors of a skeet shooting outing in the works.  As soon as I get some confirmation on that I will get it posted. 
And let's not forget APRIL!
"Here we go to Rio Rio.. fly away like and eagle eagle.. whoa whoa whoa..."
That is ALL I have been hearing at my house!
Drive-In time! 
Rio 2 opens on April 11th so family fun night on April 12th!  Yahoo!
Pack up your blankets, pillows and camping chairs and load up the car to head on out to
the Show Boat Drive-In for a great evening out with the family. 
The drive in is an affordable option for family's of all sizes and to sweet the pot there is a Groupon right NOW for Showboat!  Go out there and grab yoru Groupon and
tape it to you calendar for April 12th!
PS- You didn't think I would forget camping, right? 
Get it on those calendars people!  Year 6 is gonna be great!
April 25-27th!
As always I wish you all a safe and fun weekend!  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to time spent with a great group of people!! We can't make all the events but we'll be at most. Really looking forward to a date night at the Sweetheart Banquet!!
