Sunday Morning Family
Circus Class
Growing with God
January 19, 2014
“The Importance of Spiritual Food for Christian Growth”
How do you define proper physical nutrition?
What are the consequences of improper physical nutrition?
What is spiritual food?
Babies and people cry out for nourishment but we seem to
starve our spiritual food needs, why?
I Peter 2:2
2 Peter 3:18
Matthew 4:4
How do we get spiritual nourishment to grow?
Hebrews 5:11-14
What are the problems for ourselves and our congregation when
we do not properly feed ourselves spiritually?
How do you determine the truth?
Acts 17:11
As a minimum why do we not avail ourselves of the
opportunities our church provides for spiritual nourishment? In addition to
ourselves, how does this impact others?
Visitors? Non Christians?
Test your spiritual nourishment:
How many hours per week do you spend watching TV, movies,
playing video games?
How many hours per week do you spend on reading the paper,
magazines, secular books etc.
How many hours per week do you spend on sports, hobbies,
working out etc.
How many hours, did you spend studying the Bible, attending
Bible classes, Church services?
How do you feel about the gap?
Are you focused and availing yourself of all opportunities
to nourish yourself and others spiritually?
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