Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tempted to Compromise: Daniel 1

When is compromise good?
When is it bad?
List three to four temptations you presently face?
Today, few of us face the temptation to deny Christ, yet daily temptations to compromise our commitment to Jesus are just as serious.  The seemingly small decisions we make carry with them far-reaching consequences in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
Having been exiled to Babylon, Daniel was offered a good education and this one in a lifetime opportunity required a small compromise.
Read Daniel 1
What tactics were used not only to train these young men but also help them to blend into Babylonian culture? (vv. 4-7)
In what ways are we pressures to conform to our surrounding culture?
Daniel and his companions accept the education offered by Nebuchadnezzar, the possibility of attaining top positions in the pagan empire and new names.
Why do you think they agreed to these things but refused the king’s food? (v. 8)
Why might it have been easy for Daniel to rationalize this seemingly trivial compromise?
In what small ways are we tempted to compromise our lifestyle or beliefs?
How does Daniel show his trust in god when he makes a creative arrangement with the chief official? (v.v. 8-14)
What creative alternatives might you propose when you find yourself in a situation that ask you to compromise your convictions or beliefs?
God honors the trust and obedience of the four young men (vv.15-20) which allowed Daniel to continue in his future ministry.
In what ways does our obedience in “the little things” have far-reaching implications in our service to Jesus?
How can Daniel’s example help you respond to one temptation to compromise you are facing today?
In praying for His disciples Jesus says “My prayer is not that you take them out of this world but that you protect them from the evil one.” (John 17:15) Pray that God will give you wisdom and discernment to be in the world but not of the world.
Christians will often go to one of two extremes, they will either not even attempt to cooperate with what they consider to be a pagan system while others cooperate to the point of losing their distinctiveness.  Let us avoid the extremes and be productive to our desire to be faithful witnesses to Christ.

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