What are some of your earliest mental pictures of Jesus?
What are some of the stages you have gone through as you have come to recognize who Jesus is?
What are some of the significant steps that brought you to your current relationship with him?
A first century blind man encountered Jesus, and slowly, step by step, the blind man “saw” Jesus.
Read John 9:1-5
What do you think Christ’s words meant?
Read John 9:6-12
How would you describe the beggar’s faith as he responded to the situation?
Read John 9:13-34
What pressures did the beggar have to cope with?
Notice the references to sin in regard to both the man and Jesus in verses 1-2, 29 and 34. Why are these kinds of accusations particularly painful?
What is wrong with the view of sin portrayed by these accusations?
Verse 16 says that the Pharisees were divided in their opinion of Jesus. Why?
The beggar believed in Jesus at least in part because of what Jesus had done for him. What has God done in your own life that has helped you to believe in him?
What connections do you see between the blind man’s faith statements and some of the stages that your own faith has passed through?
Read John 9:35-41
How would you explain Christ’s statement about blindness and sight?
The beggar spent many years in darkness preparing to see. How have the dark times of your own life prepared you for deeper faith in Jesus?
In the coming week be sensitive to the possibility that people along the normal paths of your day may be spiritually blind to the reality of Jesus, but that God may be calling them to see. Be prepared to guide them toward the spiritual sight.
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