Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sunday Preview

Sunday Moring Family Circus Class

Growing with God I.C.F.C

Sunday Morning Preview


“Growing as Christian Requires Time and Patience”


Everything in life takes time to grow, so why are we sometimes frustrated when we think we are not as spiritually mature as we should be?


James 1:4

Monday, January 27, 2014

In case you were not in class Sunday...

Sunday Morning Family Circus Class

Growing with God I.C.F.C.

January 26, 2014

“Exercise and Practice Are Essential for Christian Growth”

How do you learn to perform certain activities? (think about athletes, students, musicians, seal teams)

Give personal examples of activities that require continual repetition to perform and possibly excel at.

How would you apply the concept of practice, drilling, and repetition to spiritual growth?  Provide examples.

What are ways that you can encourage others?

Hebrews 5:14

I Timothy 4:7

How do you become effective at learning and applying Biblical principles to your life and others that you are involved with?

What impedes us in this endeavor?

Acts 8:26-36

What did the angel tell Phillip to do?

Where had the Ethiopian been?

What was the opportunity?

How did Phillip react?

What was the conclusion?

Can you pray that God puts an “Ethiopian opportunity” in your life?

The Sunshine Lady and Her Husband..,

We do not know about you, but we are loving our Monday get to know you post.  Today we would like to introduce two super awesome people!

Jimmy and Carol

Seriously these photos are PRICELESS!
When asked what their love language is: Jimmy says "bacon" and Carol says "chocolate"

Jimmy would love to be a park host; while Carol likes to plan and would love to be an event coordinator.

Knowing that Jimmy and Carol moved here together from California, we asked them which is better.
"Trick question... But we both agree. Cali-exas. Haha Northern California... Sacramento is about an hour and a half from San Fran, Napa, Lake Tahoe and Reno. Texas is 13 hours from everywhere. :0) Although we miss a lot about California there is no place like Texas."  (Smart answer)

Country, city, or suburbs?  Jimmy: Country   Carol: City... So we compromise and live in the suburbs.

Their favorite song from the 90's? Jimmy says his favorite song from all decades is Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing" and Carol loves "She".

What are 5 things that make you happy as a couple?

"Bacon, Chocolate, Concerts, Movies, and Dating.  Wait... Each other. Like date nights. Not dating other people."
If you had a cooking show, what would you call it?  101 Uses For Bacon
Three cheers for bacon! If bacon is your love language let's hear it!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Life Principle 30 - Eager anticipation of the Lord's return

What would you do if you knew that Jesus was returning in just a few hours?  Would you celebrate or would you find yourself trying to do some last minute clean up of your life?

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

The second coming of Christ is supposed to a joyous celebration by believers and you do not want to taint your happy reunion with the Lord and this is why Life principle 30 has us in eager anticipation of the Lord's return keeping us living productively.

You have to remember that no one is promised a tomorrow and you might see the Lord at any minute, that thought should keep you motivated to serve Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15
The second coming should be a daily reminder that God is always active in your life.  God leaves you here on earth after you are saved for two main reasons.  One is to grow spiritually with Him; the second is to lead others to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

So be motivated, live your life to the fullest and set your eyes and heart firmly on the promise of Christ's return.

This coming Wednesday 1/29 we will be meeting at Starbucks for some fellowship time and then February 5th we will begin a new study "Building your Christian Character through People of the Bible."  The first person we will look at is Elijah and knowing God's power; 1 Kings 18:16-40

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pre Sunday Study Guide

Family Circus

Growing with God I.C.F.C.

January 26

Sunday Preview


“Exercise and Practice Are Essential for Christian Growth”


How do you become effective at learning and applying Biblical principles to your life and others that you are involved with?


Hebrews 5:14

I Timothy 4:7

Acts 8:26-36

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What are your symptoms??

In the Ladies Malachi study, we read this week about "spiritual lethargy" and how the Israelites had become lethargic to God's commands. When have you experienced spiritual lethargy and what were some of your symptoms?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Our very own Sonya May!

If anyone ever doubts God's way we encourage them to go speak with Sonya. She is an amazing young lady; full of strength, will power, and blessed by God.

Her theme song is "God Will Make This Trial a Blessing" by Kurt LaBouve

Although she has never been she is 100% sure that Hawaii would be her favorite place to vacation. (We happen to agree with her!)

Who doesn't love a good Christmas movie? Sonya loves the original Home Alone.

If given three wishes she would wish for: a Godly husband, a bigger house, and a dependable car.

She prefers sunny days to rainy days. (good choice)

She was born in Michigan which means "she got to Texas as fast as she could!"

If Sonya wrote her own book it would be titled, "From Grief to Glory".

Let's give Sonya some comment love! She is such a special and wonderful addition to our crazy circus!

Sunday January 19 Class Outline

We are really exploring some great stuff on Sunday mornings!  We encourage and invite anyone to join us.  Yesterday our class even included sound effects. 

Sunday Morning Family Circus Class

Growing with God I.C.F.C.

January 19, 2014

“The Importance of Spiritual Food for Christian Growth”

How do you define proper physical nutrition?

What are the consequences of improper physical nutrition?

What is spiritual food?

Babies and people cry out for nourishment but we seem to starve our spiritual food needs, why?

I Peter 2:2

2 Peter 3:18

Matthew 4:4

How do we get spiritual nourishment to grow?

Hebrews 5:11-14

What are the problems for ourselves and our congregation when we do not properly feed ourselves spiritually?

How do you determine the truth?

Acts 17:11

As a minimum why do we not avail ourselves of the opportunities our church provides for spiritual nourishment? In addition to ourselves,  how does this impact others? Visitors? Non Christians?

Test your spiritual nourishment:

How many hours per week do you spend watching TV, movies, playing video games?

How many hours per week do you spend on reading the paper, magazines, secular books etc.

How many hours per week do you spend on sports, hobbies, working out etc.

How many hours, did you spend studying the Bible, attending Bible classes, Church services?

How do you feel about the gap?

Are you focused and availing yourself of all opportunities to nourish yourself and others spiritually?

Saturday, January 18, 2014

We learn more in our valleys...Life Principle 29

"Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord" James 5:10

We learn more in our valleys experiences than on our mountaintops.  God often leads us through difficult times to teach us.  This past Wednesday we took a look at a letter that James wrote to the Jewish Christians that were driven from Jerusalem be the persecution of the Jewish authorities.  They were away from their homes and families and not welcomed by their new communities.  We discussed how we deal with troubling times and how through the same perseverance of the old testament prophets we can remain patient as James was trying to convey in his letter.  We believers have one thing to help us hold on and look forward to.

Be patient then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.  You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming near. James 57-9

There are two words in the New Testament for patience, the first deals with difficult situations and means to endure, the other is more personal and relates to how we handle ourselves with other people.  It means to stay away from rage or furious outburst.  James worried that the Christians would strike out against their persecutors. 

As we discussed in class in dealing with our issues it is so much easier at time to call someone else out on their faults and to find blame but James reminds us we must be patient and trust God will see us through.

Anytime that you experience adversity, it is because God wants to show you His power and love.  He may be getting your attention to free you from some emotional bondage, or possibly an attitude or behavior that is hindering His work.

Spend time this week in prayer to help you identify what God is teaching you through the valleys you have been experiencing and ask Him to help transform your life so that you can impact the world for His kingdom. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Friday!

Hey everybody!  You know what day it is.. FUN FRIDAY!  YAY! Happy Friday!
News News News
Please update the calendars to include the following events...
Scheduled for FEBRUARY
Amber's Welcome Baby Shower Feb 7th - look out for the evite if you didn't get it let me know
Family Circus Sweetheart Dinner - Feb 15th Reservations $20 per couple.. Please see Hillary, Melanie, or Carol for payments.  We need reservations no later than 9th please :o)  I will be sending an evite with the details.  Thanx!
On deck for MARCH
Women's Fellowship Dinner... I am looking for a volunteer to organize a one for an evening March.  Let me know if you are interested and I will give you more info. 
Men's Fellowship Activity... TBD  I have heard rumors of a skeet shooting outing in the works.  As soon as I get some confirmation on that I will get it posted. 
And let's not forget APRIL!
"Here we go to Rio Rio.. fly away like and eagle eagle.. whoa whoa whoa..."
That is ALL I have been hearing at my house!
Drive-In time! 
Rio 2 opens on April 11th so family fun night on April 12th!  Yahoo!
Pack up your blankets, pillows and camping chairs and load up the car to head on out to
the Show Boat Drive-In for a great evening out with the family. 
The drive in is an affordable option for family's of all sizes and to sweet the pot there is a Groupon right NOW for Showboat!  Go out there and grab yoru Groupon and
tape it to you calendar for April 12th!
PS- You didn't think I would forget camping, right? 
Get it on those calendars people!  Year 6 is gonna be great!
April 25-27th!
As always I wish you all a safe and fun weekend!  Enjoy!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 19 Study Guide

Better late than never on Thursday, right?

Happy Studying!

Family Circus Class

Growing with God I.C.F.C.

January 19, 2014

“The Importance of Spiritual Food for Christian Growth”


What is spiritual food?

Are you focused and availing yourself of all opportunities to nourish yourself and others spiritually?


I Peter 2:2

2 Peter 3:18

Matthew 4:4

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One word...

Currently, we are focusing on Individual growth. In Sunday School we talked about the different types of growth: physical, intellectual, and spiritual. We talked about our desire to grow and concept of "born again". As we embark into the new year and new series for Family Circus, I'd like to encourage everyone to reflect on our own personal growth. With a single word response in the comment section,what would you like to focus on for the new year? If you feel stuck on one word response look at Galations 5:22,23 for inspiration: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control..." 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Getting to know Charles and Hillary

Starting today we will be "spotlighting" a different person/couple each week.  At first we will run through the speakers from the previous Sunday.  Then we will begin interviewing those attending different classes.  Everyone in the Family Circus is going to be spotlighted, so get your old picture ready!  This week we will introduce Charlie and Hill!
This is Charlie and Hill a month after they got married. September 2001!  Wow, they were younger and thinner and tanner..,

When interviewed this is what we found out about this fabulous couple!

Both Hill and Charlie are glass 1/2 full people. Ever the optimists!

Both Hill and Charlie prefer sunny days over rainy days.

When asked what their dream jobs would be; Charlie would love to be a full time carpenter. Just like Jesus.
Hillary would like to bury herself in books and be a librarian.

Charlie and Hill would prefer the country as opposed to the city and suburbs. They just love to drive everywhere! (seriously?)

Their "song" is "Lovin' you is Fun!" by Easton Corbin.

Hillary is a Native Texan, while Charlie "got here as fast as he could"

Their favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. They make a point to watch it with G-dog every year. (Don't you think G-dog and Chevy Chase resemble each other and how about T-cat and Beverly D-Angelo?)

Have another question you want to ask Charlie and Hill? Post it in the comment section and we will find out the answer.

Have a great day Family Circus!

Do YOU Have a Desire to Grow?

We jump started our 12 month growth challenge yesterday by focusing on individual growth.  We heard from Hillary and Charles (aka guinea pigs) who spoke about their testimony.  (We need to forgive Hillary's completely incoherent babble about "blue skies and rainbows" Maybe we can give her another chance later in the year..,)

Without further adieu, here is the study guide from yesterday!
Sunday Morning Family Circus Class

Growing with God I.C.F.C.

January 12, 2014

“Do You Have a Desire to Grow?”

What is the concept of physical growth in humans?

What is the concept of intellectual growth in humans?

What about spiritual growth?

What are similarities, differences, what is more important, why?

What does the concept “born again” mean to you?

Ephesians 4:11-16

2 Peter 3:10-18

2 Thessalonians 1:3

What happens when Christians fail to grow?

Do we want to grow spiritually?

I Peter 2:2

After repentance and acceptance of grace what is the importance of realizing we need to go to work in God’s vineyard?  How do we bear fruit?  How do we do it? How do we mature and continue growing?

What causes us to lose the desire to grow spiritually?

What about indifference, negligence, satisfaction, stagnation?

Why is growth always needed?

Think about Paul (Phillipians 3:12-14) he was always striving to improve, forgetting the past and straining forward.

Think about Peter (Matthew 26:31-35) He thought he had reached a level where he would never deny Jesus, but he did three times.  What about the dangers?

Do you have a burning hunger and thirst to do more for the Lord?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Life Principle 28 – No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone”

“ And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25

If you missed last Wednesday night class you missed a lively discussion on why it is important for us to get together and support one another in our walk of faith.  God wants us involved in the church because we need love, encouragement, fellowship, accountability, and a spiritual outlet, and it is through other believers that God provides all those things.Bombarded by worldly pressure and ungodly influences, no of us can stand by ourselves alone for too long.  You will probably be destroyed spiritually and possibly even leave the faith but most importantly you will miss out on the abundant life that god has in store for you.
Are you involved at church, if you’re not, you need to be.  Here at CCC you can find a place that will encourage you, keep you accountable, challenge you to grow, help you express your spiritual gifts, and feed you God’s word. 
Next week we will be looking at Life Principle 29 – “We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops.   This is the second to the last lesson in this series; our next series will be A Look at Biblical Characters to Build our Character.

Friday, January 10, 2014

It's Friday!  
For my first Friday post I am so excited to say we have some BIG news!  
A couple of things to get us going for the new year.. 

First of all.. many congrats to Amber & Cliff Loll on the birth of their beautiful baby girl!  Please keep an eye out for an evite for the welcome baby shower coming soon.  Can't wait!

Now.. drum roll please... 
February 15th Sweetheart Banquette 
To get us going right in the new year we are planning a couples date night for Sat the 15th of February. 
 We will be selling tickets starting Wednesday the 15th of January for $20 per couple.  
Please find Hillary Whitmore, Melanie Plaster or Carol Neill to purchase tickets. 
 "What will the $20 get me?" you ask..
A fun relaxing night with your sweetie to include dinner, entertainment, games and door prizes. 

(Childcare will not be included in the ticket price, however we will be setting up childcare on site for those that will need it.  More information will follow for that in the next week.)

Tuesday Ladies Bible Study

"God won't walk away. Even on our worst day, God won't leave us. Explore God's unchanging love in Malachi, Lisa Harper's fist video-driven Bible study. No matter how often we mess up, God loves His broken people." 
Tuesday January 14th 6:30-8pm
Melanie Plaster's house
comment below for more information
Click to see Malachi: A Love That Never Lets Go promo video

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pre-Sunday Study Guide

You asked for it and here it is! Every Thursday we will post the Pre-Sunday study guide. Please take a moment to review the scriptures and think on the questions. We are looking forward to a great discussion on Sunday.

Do You Have a Desire to Grow?”


Ephesians 4: 11-16

2 Peter 3:10-18

2 Thessalonians 1:3


We understand the concept of physical growth and intellectual growth in people, but what about spiritual growth? What are the similarities? What are the differences? What is the most important?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just A Thought...

On my way to work this morning I heard this scripture read on KSBJ and immediately thought of our awesome group and how amazing I feel after gathering with the Family Circus for fellowship and worship...

...For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What's I.C.F.C?

So you see that little blurb at the top and you are wondering what does that mean?  On Sunday we committed as a class to a yearlong challenge to grow with God.  We are starting small and moving up!

I is for individual.
C is for couple.
F is family.
C is for church.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily Scripture

John 16:27

The Father Himself loves you dearly because you love Me and believe that I came from God.